Monday, February 3, 2014

I created this storm trooper using the pen tool in Illustrator. Every shape that creates him is custom, hand done by me. This photo has about 800 different layers separating every individual piece that was used to create this guy. He took me 6 hours of non-stop work to create.
This storm trooper is one of my prized pieces. Please do not copy or steal him. 
Thank you!!

I have many more project that I would love to upload to this blog. So there will be more coming soon. I just have to figure out how to upload them with decent quality. I have some that were created in Adobe Dreamweaver (webpages) and some other projects that were created in Adobe InDesign. Thank you for looking!
This is one of the more fun project that I had the chance of creating. This is an advertisement for a local self-employed cosmetologist, that works at one of the salons here in town. The idea was to create something that was visually appealing, and brought people in. The idea behind the photo is to show the quirkiness of the salon. My client and I wanted to create something that would make people laugh and make them want to tear out a number. 
The image of the lady in the design was completely created in Illustrator using the pen tool. everything you see is a custom shape created to resemble a person. The image of the woman has about 500 different layers in Illustrator.
Again the quality shown in the photo does not suffice in actually representing the flawless look of the ad.

This is a box wrap design. The idea of this is that you could cut it out and it would shape into a tattoo needles box. 
This again was produced in Illustrator. There are some flash in the photo, because this blog site does not allow you to upload PDFs. So it makes it a little hard to show just how flawless this box wrap design really is.

I got the privilege of creating jerseys, that were actually printed for some local sports teams. 
These are the logos and jerseys that I created.

I created all of these jerseys and logos using Adobe Illustrator. The logo that you see at the very top was not created using any inserts, or templates. It was all drawn with the pen tool in Illustrator.
This is a global issue poster that I created. my intentions for this poster was to forth attention to the staggering numbers of the grey wolf population. This is only one of a series of posters that I want to create to show people that we are the main cause of species detriment.

This is an event poster that I created for the tattoo shop that I work at. I did some of the graphics that you see in Adobe Photoshop, and exported them into Adobe Illustrator where I created the background, and transparent city skyline that you see. I also created the design around the edge of the poster in Adobe Illustrator. Although time consuming, it looks beautiful!